Overcome Overwhelm, Identify Your Core Endo Challenges, Learn the Key Pillars of Healing and Set Goals and Next Steps So You Can Begin Your Healing Journey with Confidence and Clarity.
Define your why to motivate you and anchor you if things get tough and give you the momentum to get going.
Identify Your Core Endo Challenges so that you can prioritise focusing on the symptoms that are affecting you the most, rather than having to tackle everything all at once.
Get Clear on Your Desired Symptom Outcomes so that you can see where your roadmap is going and put the right healing strategies in place to get there. What could you do if you felt better?
Learn the Key Pillars of Healing so you can establish which strategies to start first and which to begin later in your journey.
Set Your Goals and create 1-3 baby steps that you can map out your journey and get started with right away.
Overwhelm Is One of the Key Reasons People Get Stuck with Managing Endo
Making change is hard for anyone.
But when it comes to healing endometriosis naturally and holistically, it can feel even harder.
There's so much information out there and it’s all so conflicting, plus there are just so many symptoms - so where to start? It’s enough to make you just feel defeated, confused and overwhelmed before you’ve even began.
Join me to get unstuck, clear on your priorities and confident about vour key steps to healing endo in 2023.
This workshop is for you if…
You've tried to make multiple changes and have become exhausted and stressed out by the amount you needed to do.
You have so many symptoms and you don't know how to tackle them all. It feels like everything makes them worse.
You feel overwhelmed by the information about managing endo and you just don't know where to start.
You're totally new to the idea of managing endo with holistic and natural strategies and you have no clue where or how to get started.
A personal invitation from me...
I know where you are right now - because I've been there too.
It was sheer desperation that urged me to begin digging deep into the Google archives of managing endo naturally.
Once I worked out how to manage and reduce my endo symptoms holistically. I was determined to empower others to do the same.
I started This EndoLife (now The Endo Belly Coach) in 2014 and have since dedicated my life to studying and working with endometriosis; training with some of the world's leading specialists, working with renowned endo charities and endometriosis news outlets, as well as interviewing a host of endo experts onmy podcast. I am now a certified women's health coach specialised in endometriosis and its accompanying conditions.
This workshop takes you through the initial sessions I have with every client to determine their own personal roadmap and then the proven key pillars of healing that I've used to help my clients experience symptom relief and finally get their endo under control time and time again.
The best bit? I’ve removed the fluff, the excess and the confusion to deliver you the clearest, most effective strategies.
If you're sick of living at the mercy of endo and you're determined to get your life back this year. I can't wait to help you create a vision of your future health and pave the path for your own healing.
Jessica x