Define your why to motivate you and anchor you if things get tough and give you the momentum to get going. What would it mean for you to heal your endo belly?
Identify Your Core Endo Belly Challenges so that you can prioritise focusing on the symptoms that are affecting you the most, rather than having to tackle everything all at once.
Get Clear on Your Desired Symptom Outcomes so that you can see where your roadmap is going and put the right healing strategies in place to get there. What could you do if your endo belly got better?
Learn the First, Second and Third Line Therapies of Endo Belly Healing so you can establish which strategies to start first and which to begin later in your journey.
Set Your Goals and create 1-3 baby steps that you can map out your roadmap and get started with right away.
Healing Your Gut is Key to Healing Your Endo Symptoms
Did you know that there are usually multiple causes behind the endo belly? And did you know that healing the endo belly is often key to calming down the rest of your endometriosis symptoms?
The problem is, most people aren't led to believe that healing the endo belly is possible. Most conventional endometriosis treatments address the pain and other period related symptoms, but they can actually make the endo belly worse. So often we're shrugged off when we talk about the bloating, or the constipation, or the diarrhoea...
But here's the thing, when the gut is inflamed, the immune system is inflamed - and guess what else is inflamed? Yep. endometriosis.
So join me to learn how to identify the root causes of your endo belly, and the exact step by step strategies for healing it - and healing your endo symptoms!
This workshop is for you if…
You've had surgery, maybe your pain and periods are better, but you're still stuck with the endo belly - or it's appeared for the first time after surgery.
Your life is ruled by your IBS symptoms. Maybe you can't get through a meal without dashing to the toilet, you get nervous about eating out in public in case your endo belly flares up or you get constipated for days or weeks on end.
You've lost your confidence because of the endo belly. You're tired of people asking you if you're pregnant, you have different sized clothes to accommodate your swelling and bloating and you're uncomfortable and in pain if you try to wear fitted outfits.
You've tried everything to get rid of your endo belly but nothing has worked. You're stuck on a limited selection of food, but you're still having symptoms. You want to be able to eat normally again.
A personal invitation from me...
I know where you are right now – because I’ve been there too.
It was sheer desperation that urged me to begin digging deep into the Google archives of managing endo naturally almost a decade ago . Once I worked out how to manage and reduce my endo symptoms holistically, I turned my attention to my final symptom - the endo belly. And what I discovered in my research and training, I decided to share with all endo warriors, everywhere.
I started This EndoLife in 2014 and have since dedicated my life to studying and working with endometriosis; training with some of the world’s leading endo and gut health specialists, working with renowned endo charities and endometriosis news outlets, as well as interviewing a host of endo experts on my podcast. I am now a certified women’s health coach specialised in endometriosis and small intestine bacterial overgrowth - one of the key causes of the endo belly!
This workshop takes you through the initial sessions I have with every client to determine their own personal roadmap and the proven therapies for healing endometriosis-related gut problems (a.k.a endo belly!) that I’ve used to help my clients get to the root of their endo belly, experience symptom relief and finally get their endo belly under control.
If you’re sick of living at the mercy of the endo belly and you’re determined to get your life back this year, I can’t wait to help you create a vision of your future health and pave the path for your own healing.
Jessica x